So I have been back in the UK just over a week now and it’s taken me all this time to finally feel emotionally ready to update you lovely people how coming back to ‘reality’ has gone.
I’m not going to lie. It’s been HARD and also very cold with average day temp of 8c!!!!!
I have had such an amazing time over the last 12 months that it was inevitable there would be a ‘crash’ of sorts on my part as stopping for any length of time, anywhere, was going to be hard for me. However, coming back to the same house, including all those DIY jobs I put off before we left had made it feel even more like I never left in some ways 😒
In the time I have been back though, far from wallowing in my post travels blues I have been super social thanks to our wonderful friends who have all made great efforts to include us in their plans again whilst we are back for a few months. Thank you all – it has helped a lot! 🙏
We have been told repeatedly by these friends, family and neighbours that nothing much has happened since we have been away which I’m sure isn’t true but unless you are crazy (sad!?) enough to blog or post pictures about whatever your everyday life is like, as I have been trying to do on the road, then it’s pretty hard to sum up months and months of ‘life’ on demand isn’t it?
As well as catching up with so many lovely friendly faces since being back, I have also sourced and bought a normal second hand car to get us all around. However, unfortunately it’s already cost us more in ‘repairs’ than Lightning did over a year around Europe so fingers crossed it will be fine for a few years with the new bits 🤞
Oh and I started washing several thousand miles worth of insects off Lightning the other day only to have to abandon this task several times due to frequent darkening skies and hail stones 😲 Yes, I have to admit I REALLY miss the near constant sun of Spain, especially where we are going back to in the Costa Tropical region of Andalucia.
In other ‘life admin’ news, as I have heard others call it, we have had countless bills, insurance, taxes and utilities to sort out which we thought we had taken care of on the road but apparently not 🙄
The children have also been catching up with their old friends when they aren’t at school as ours are still being homeschooled but they have also been working their way through a years worth of Beanos my lovely sister has been saving for them – surely they are educational!?
Other than the above, there is nothing much else to report from being ‘static’ back here I don’t think… I have lots of work on which is always a blessing rather than a curse especially given all those damn ‘life admin’ expenses. Oh I REALLY enjoyed the local fish n chips the other day – is that blog worthy?
Well I think that’s it for now as I’m off out tonight for a few non alcoholic drinks with a mate whist we watch Champions League footy who is also off the booze. It will be great to catch up, the game should be good and we both won’t have to worry about politely declining alcohol all night ⚽
Hope you’ve warmed up! Looking forward to next installment!
Thanks Ross. I don’t tend to write many full blog posts as I find it hard writing about typical ‘blog’ things and I have so much work on at the moment but my social media feeds are more active